Build Massive Arms in just Four Weeks

Let’s face it, most of us got into lifting because we wanted big arms and we couldn’t be more impatient to get our arms big fast. After all, well-defined bi’s and tri’s are the ultimate showcase muscles and get you noticed everywhere you whether they are covered with a sleeve or exposed. So if you’re looking for an arm-training routine that’s going shock your biceps and triceps into rapid growth while giving you some killer, sleeve-splitting muscle pumps – give this workout a try. It provides a good combination of sufficient volume and high intensity in the form of super-setting, both of which are keys to adding mass to your arms fast. Supersetting allows you to train continuously, as one muscle gets a chance for a quick rest while the other one is getting trained. This growth-producing training method is extremely effective. In fact, it’s helped many top pros achieve their freaky arm development.
The Workout
Frequency: This routine is 4-week-long routine, performed once a week. However, you can do this workout twice a week, resting at least 2-3 days between each session. If that’s the case, make sure you are increasing your weight loads workout to workout rather than week to week.
How it works: You will perform the exercises as supersets, alternating exercises, resting 45 seconds between each set. So you’ll do one set of the first exercise, then one set of the second exercise, then rest 45 seconds, and repeat for all 4 sets. After all 4 sets are completed, rest 60-90 seconds before jumping into the second superset.
You will use heavier weights at the beginning of the routine when your strength is highest, progressing to relatively lighter weights for higher reps to thoroughly pump the muscle. The first superset starts on the lower end with heavier weights when you’re fresh, progress to lighter weights for sets of 10 reps on the second pair of exercises, then finish up with 12-rep sets on the third superset. We also make the switch between exercises easy; you’ll use the same equipment for each move within the superset or tri-set.
Weight: The weight you use on the exercises will vary by week. For the first week, you’ll perform your sets using the heaviest weight that allows you to complete all the prescribed repetitions. After the first week, make incremental increases to your weight loads by adding 2½ to 5 pounds on each lift and staying in the prescribed rep range. Continue to follow this cycle until you complete the four weeks.