How to Use Your Mind to Achieve Your Goals in The Gym
Training to achieve any goal in the gym is more mental than physical. Case in point if you are not mentally strong and focused, you will lack in effort in your training or give up easily when your workouts get tough. It’s a New Year and most gyms are packed with people with resolutions. And one thing is certain half of the new people you see in there will give up within the next four weeks and the other half the following four weeks. But that need not be. All you have to do is define exactly in your mind what you want, why you want it, and persist by taking consistent actions on a daily basis.
Step 1: Clearly Define in Your Mind What You want and Why
You can never succeed in the gym if you don’t know exactly in your mind what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. This is crucial because your success hinges on it. Clearly, define the outcome you are looking for. Is it to lose weight? gain weight? get ripped?. Once you define what you want to achieve, back it up with your why. Your why is the fuel to your success. If you have in your mind why you want to achieve your goal, you will never give up if even you lose some motivation sometimes. The reason why so many people never achieve their goal is because they don’t have a good reason why. With a good reason why in mind you will always find out a way to achieve your goal. Where there is a good reason why there is always a way.
Step 2: Create a Mental Picture of Your outcome
Once you become mentally clear on what you want to achieve and why. Create a mental picture, visualize it with all the details you are seeking. For example, let say that your goal is to achieve a certain physique that you have seen. What you are going to do is clearly create a picture of that physique in your mind with all its details. See it your mind first and keep visualizing it every time you hit the gym and during your workouts. If you do this you will surely achieve that goal.
Step 3: Stay Focused and Take Action Consistently
Stay focused on that mental picture and take action consistently. Action makes your goal a reality but you have to do it consistently while being patient. You see it all the time, people who miss their workouts for one reason or another or people who give up after only a week. You have to know that it’s a process and it takes time, so consistent action and focus are necessary and crucial not sporadic effort here and there.
Step 4: Evaluate Your Results
Are you getting the results you are targeting? You need to evaluate both your results and your actions. If you are not hitting your targets then you need to re-evaluate your efforts in the gym. Insanity is doing the same things and expecting to get a different result. You will need to reassess your results weekly or bi-weekly depending on your goal and then make adjustment as necessary.
Step 5: Be Persistent and determined
Be mentally strong in your belief that you can achieve your goal, any goal. The reason why most people don’t achieve their goals is that they give up too easily. You want something, you will have to pay for it in effort and time. Your persistence and determination are your measures of how much you believe it is possible for you to achieve your goals. Results don’t come overnight so don’t stop now. It’s a process and you need to be persistent and take consistent actions while being patient. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for an extended period of time on a persistent and consistent basis. How long will depend on you and how effectively you execute Step 1 through Step 4. These are the fundamentals to achieving any goals in the gym. They will influence 80% of your success or failure.