9 Steps to Achieving Your Fat Loss Goal

The overwhelming numbers of new diet supplements and diet programs in the weight loss market in recent years is proof that no diet pill or program alone can help you achieve your fat loss goals. Although these might assist you in losing body fat, a practical and solid plan which defines where you are starting, where you hope to end up, and what you need to do to get there are a must and prerequisite to any fat loss goal you might have. Below we have outlined 9 key steps that you can take to successfully achieve your fat loss goals.
1. Set Your Fat Loss Goal
First set a specific fat loss goal. Define exactly how much you want to weight and how you want to look after your fat loss. Be specific and make your goal believable and attainable, and write it down to increase your chances of success. Furthermore break your main goal into a into small actionable goals — such as dropping 1 pound or losing 1 inch off your waist — that are measurable and attainable. Once you hit these mini-goals, set new ones to keep yourself motivated.
2. Learn about your goal
Whatever your fat loss goal is, someone out there has undertaken it and successfully achieved it. Learn how those people did it. What kind nutrition, training, supplementation and motivation did they use? Also Watch and read everything you can get your hands on to learn more about weight loss, training and nutrition. The more you know, the better you’ll be equipped to achieving your goal.
3. Create your plan of action
Use the knowledge you gained in step 2 to create your action plan. Decide exactly how you will achieve your fat loss goals. What steps do you need take in terms of your training, nutrition, supplementation, and motivation? For example Will you reduce your daily calorie intake? If so, by how much? What kinds of foods do you plan to eat? How often and for how long do you plan to exercise? Create a very detailed, daily action plan that you can follow. This is important because there won’t be any questions or confusion about what to do each day – you’ll be able to see it in black and white.
4. Commit and Discipline Yourself
Understand you’re the only one who can change how you look. Resolve to do it and then just do it. Commit to your action plan and just carry it out, budgeting time for the gym, food prep and rest for the week. Consistency is the key to success. A workout here or there is going to get you nowhere. Follow through on your plan and execute every single step every single time.
5. Stay the course
The key to achieving your fat loss goal is consistency. Stick with it, even if the first week or two are tough — by the third week, you’ll start to form a habit. Many people lack the drive to keep to a regular routine. Giving yourself a reason to get into shape is a great way to stay on course with your goals.
6. Visualize your success
Get motivated by hanging up a picture of yourself today next to one from a magazine of what you want to look like. Create a mental picture of your goal physique, visualize it with all the details. See it in your mind first and keep visualizing it every time you hit the gym and during your workouts. If you do this you will surely achieve your goal.
7. Evaluate your progress
Once a week, gauge and record your progress. Weigh yourself, at the same time of day, preferably on the same scale to ensure accuracy. Are you losing weight at the pace you expected? Are you losing inches? Are you sticking to your plan each day and making progress? Stay clear about your results and how they are affected by your actions.
8. Recruit a partner
A right partner can help push and motivate you beyond what you’d achieve on your own. He or she can also be a positive and healthy source of competition, if that’s a characteristic that helps drive you in accomplishing specific goals. Having a partner is often motivation enough not to miss your next gym session or cheat on your diet. Pick someone who have similar goal, who is reliable and accountable. This make achieving your goals a lot easier and faster
9. Cheat occasionally
Allow yourself 1-2 cheat meals per week, depending on how dedicated you can be. Small indulgences make dieting more tolerable, keeping you on track longer. Also since your metabolism tends to slow down when you are on a diet, incorporating an occasional cheat higher in calories and carbs will trick your body into thinking it’s not dieting and reboot your metabolism at full capacity again.
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fat loss is easy if you do know how to exercise daily and eat right.’
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